Thursday, November 22, 2012

A Thanksgiving List

A Thanksgiving List
  • My husband baked three cream cheese pound cakes today.
  • Hubby started humming "It Came Upon the Midnight Clear" as he baked. I harmonized as I cleaned up after him.
  • The whole family sat around making fun of, I mean, watching, the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade.
  • My older son told me that we have a happy family. I said, "You really think so?" He said, "Oh yeah. Totally."
  • My younger son was on time for our Thanksgiving dinner out today. He was also extremely good-looking. 
  • The boys are playing video games together.
  • We saw a really funny scene between brothers in a very bad Chuck Norris movie this morning. A few hours later, our older boy reenacted the scene with his brother in public.
  • All four of us worked out after we pigged out.
  • Spoonbread.
  • I had a fun conversation with my brother and sister-in-law in which we all swore our own Christmas card would be the best.
  • Hubby is putting a turkey in the oven at midnight tonight. It's a tradition we've carried on the entire time we've been married. Tomorrow morning, we'll wake up to the aroma of roasted turkey. 
  • We ate out today with family and had a bountiful, beautiful meal. Tomorrow, we'll do it our own way at home.
  • Broccoli casserole.
  • Hubby and I watched the Carol Burnett version of Gone With the Wind and giggled like kids.
  • Fresh starts and new days.
  • Friends. They're treasures.
  • Being out-voted three to one on what music to listen to in the car driving home.
  • Our boys standing at dinner until their grandmother sat down. 
  • A clear sky and a beautiful moon to remind me that the world is much, much bigger than the "big problems" on Earth I worry about. And God is bigger than that.
  • Our younger boy likes a lot of the same stuff that I like. 
  • Our older boy likes a lot of the same stuff that his dad likes. 
  • I have Battle Hymn of the Republic and The Star-Spangled Banner in my iTunes, and they give me chills when I listen. I'm a patriotic gal who is grateful for her freedom.
  • This Thanksgiving was much better than last Thanksgiving.
  • When I had given up hope of getting a family picture today, a friend who saw me walked up and offered to take one. 
  • A clean kitchen. For the moment.
  • I have confidence that my boys really have a personal relationship with their heavenly father. They own it. It's not because they follow a set of rules or act a certain way. There is simply a true spiritual connection there, and it's about all I could ever hope for.

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