Monday, May 27, 2013

Not only do I love him, I love his car!

I'm gonna tell y'all a little story from my teenage years. I was 16. I didn't have a boyfriend. It was a crisp, fall evening, and I was sitting in the bleachers of a rival school's football field watching that school's homecoming game. My friend Jennifer was with me. I was telling Jennifer how there was this guy at church that I had a crush on. He was in college and he was funny, handsome, a Christian, and just awesome. I told Jennifer I wasn't sure if I should try to date him because of our age difference.

A few minutes later as I was staring vaguely off and pretending to understand the football game, Jennifer elbowed me and said, "Sarah, check out the hunk with the mustache!" I said, "Where?" She looked in the direction of the bleacher steps and pointed right at...MY CRUSH! It was him in the flesh. I said, "Jennifer! That's the guy I was just telling you about from church!" She said, "Sarah, GO FOR IT!"

After said hunk...let's call him Stock Tremor...seated himself, as well as a girl I knew from school and church, a few rows in front of us, he spotted me. He struck up a conversation, and Jennifer couldn't stop nudging me and giggling. The girl with him...let's call her Susie...kept trying to pull his attention back to the game...and to her...but it was no use. Stock and I were locked in a hopeless, non-stop, flirtatious chit-chat.

I learned that Stock had just driven a member of the school's homecoming court around the football field in his mom's shiny red '78 Corvette. It was a gorgeous specimen of a car with only a few hundred miles on the odometer. Stock's mom rarely drove it, but she agreed to donate its services for tonight's worthy proceedings.

During halftime, Susie, all bubbly and happy-looking, insisted that I accompany her to the restroom. While we were there, she started talking about how in love Stock and she were and how they had spent "every night this week together." Her speech convinced me that Stock really wasn't that interested in me. He was in love with Susie.

Later, I learned that Stock really had spent almost every night with Susie that week. He had come over to watch Monday Night Football with her brother on Monday, accepted an invitation to dinner with the family from Susie's mom on Wednesday, and led a Bible study at her house on Thursday. But until I realized the context of these numerous visits, I was distraught.

After the game, Jennifer's parents picked her up, and I walked to my car. By "my car" I mean my dad's little white Honda. It was one of the first times I had been allowed to drive somewhere alone at night. I put the keys in the ignition and tried to start her up. She wouldn't turn over. I gave it a few more attempts, but then gave up and decided to call my dad. By "call my dad," I do not mean that I pulled out my cell phone. I exited the vehicle and walked across the parking lot toward a thing called a "phone booth."

Who should I encounter on my way to the phone booth but Stock and totally-smitten Susie. Just when she thought she had him to herself, he asked me where I was going, and I told him about my car trouble. He said, "Let me give it a try! Susie, here are the keys to the Corvette...can you go get it?"

You should understand that Stock NEVER let other people drive his mother's Corvette.

Susie smelled a rat, and she grabbed the keys and me. "Come with me to get the car!"

While Susie and I frolicked across the gravel lot, she looked me straight in the eye and said, "Not only do I love him, I love his car!"


After we pulled up in his Mom's Corvette, Stock emerged from my Honda sporting a drop-dead gorgeous smile, and I about died. He had done some magic on my car and gotten it running for me. Wow. What a guy. He made sure I was safely on my way before releasing me from his dreamy, hunky gaze.

I drove home with the distinct impression that Stock was questioning his "love" for Susie.

Monday, May 13, 2013

Mrs. Meyer's, Zelda, and a French Manicure

Did you know that you can use 3 tablespoons of dishwashing liquid in your clothes washing machine if you're out of laundry detergent? That's what I discovered this morning when I dutifully roused myself out of bed at 6:00 to catch up on laundry and found that I only had 2 Tide pods left. I needed more like 15. The "3 tablespoon" part was suggested by someone online, but I found that 5-6 tablespoons of Mrs. Meyer's Clean Day dishwashing liquid didn't produce too many suds, and the laundry came out smelling great.

Did you know that washing and drying dishes by hand makes drinking glasses more sparkly and shiny than when they're run through a dishwasher?  That's another discovery I made this morning when I realized I was out of Cascade, and there were several mountains of dirty dishes on the counter. Good old Mrs. Meyer's put in overtime this morning.
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The good news is that I DID get up at 6:00 and follow through with the plan I made last night. I enjoyed it.

Did you know that you can't see the sunrise if you wake up at 6:00? I didn't.
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Zelda thinks my new zebra bench is hers.
I have this epic new zebra bench in my house now. My kitty cat, Zelda, thinks it is a gift to her, and she refuses to sit or sleep anywhere else. (Me not like.) Zelda picks at things with her claws, and even though I've asked her nicely to leave my bench alone, she listens not. How can I get her to bask somewhere else?
. . .

I splurged on a French manicure today since I had to wash a bunch of dishes by hand. I've been doing my own nails since January and have had only one pedicure since then - it was a reward for finishing my taxes.

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Gonna Get Up Early for Once

Today was lovely. My husband brought me breakfast in bed. We watched old movies. I gave him a haircut. We took a walk and marveled at the springtime beauty all around us. We enjoyed a family luncheon with great food and many laughs. Now I'm planning for the week ahead, and man, am I behind on stuff! You know how it feels when you eat a huge meal in the middle of the day and you just want to go to sleep afterward? That's me right now. I'm going to make a really crazy plan for my day tomorrow and go ahead and finish this lovely day the way it started - with rest and simply doing nothing.

Really, there's no reason why anyone should be interested in this.

I'm going to get up early and catch up on the chores that have been piling up. I mean, it's so bad, that I've entertained the idea of hiring a full-time laundress.

Oh, and I never get up early and do housework, so this is just weird.

6:00 - Coffee & watch sunrise
6:15 - Start the laundry
6:30 - Clean the kitchen
7:00 - Get dressed and take the trash out.
7:15 - Switch the laundry
7:30 - Clean a bathroom
7:45 - Mop the kitchen
8:00 - Strip sheets from the bed
8:15 - Sheets in the washer
8:30 - Empty wastebaskets around the house
8:45 - Dust living room and dining room
9:00 - Clean the master bathroom
9:15 - Sheets in the dryer
9:30 - Prep work for the day ahead
10:30 - Sheets back on the bed
11:00 - Resume normal schedule

If you read this, and you don't have anything better to do tomorrow morning, Facebook me (facebook can be a verb) and ask me if I really did this. :) Night-night.